The company has more than 7.000 general service vacancies; Register! - EZFICE

The company has more than 7.000 general service vacancies; Register!


It's time to get your dream job offer and hit the market for good. Hundreds of companies across the country have no less than 7.174 vacancies for general service positions.

The contractor will perform the following functions: cleaning the workplace, controlling materials, environmental organization, customer service and various types of maintenance services. The majority of contracts will be carried out under the CLT regime.


Based on vacancies, employers look for professionals with complete primary or secondary education. Some also require on-the-job experience, among other skills.

In addition to salaries, the following benefits are granted: medical assistance, dental assistance, daycare assistance, profit sharing, private pension, life insurance, food vouchers, meal vouchers and transport vouchers.

Applying for General Services Vacancies

To find out if you qualify for the profile required by the company, visit the InfoJobs Careers website. Once this is done, use the filters at the top of the screen to select your ideal opportunity, click on the desired ad and read all the information.

Registration can be done through the “Register” link, which requests the candidate’s personal and professional data. After filling out the information, wait for the company to respond, detailing the options for the next step.