The company has more than 834 vacancies for Storekeepers; find out how to register - EZFICE

The company has more than 834 vacancies for Storekeepers; find out how to register


There are more than 800 job openings available across the country as a storekeeper. These activities will take place in companies in the administrative, commercial, purchasing, construction, general services, logistics, industry and many other areas.



The education required depends on the position of interest. Many employers require a high school education, but some only require an elementary or technical education. Additionally, the position may require prior experience in the position.

Warehouse professionals are responsible for the following activities: inventory control; entry and exit of materials into the organizational system; departmental supply procedures; inventory control; posting of invoices in the system and others.

Salary and Benefits

Most salaries are between R$1.212,00 and R$2.700,00, but in some cases they fall outside this range. Contractors can also receive the following benefits:

  • Health care
  • Dental care
  • profit sharing
  • Life insurance
  • food stamps
  • Meal ticket
  • Transportation vouchers

How to apply?

All these vacancies are published on the InfoJobs website. To compete for one of these, access the portal, use the filters at the top of the page and take a look at the selected ad.

After confirming that you agree with the profile the company is looking for, the next step is to register your CV at this link. Once this is done, wait for a response to obtain more information about the next selection stage.