Possible INSS retirement value announced in 2023 - EZFICE

Possible INSS retirement value announced in 2023


On July 12, Congress approved the 2023 Budget Guidance Law (LDO). It contains predictions for next year's minimum wage and is used to review the earnings of not just workers but also those in receipt of national pensions. Social Security Institute (INSS).

According to LDO estimates, the reserve price is 1.294 reais, an increase of 82 reais compared to the 2022 transfer value of 1.212 reais. It should be noted, however, that this value does not match the inflation estimates presented by the Ministry of Economy in July.


In the new projection, the National Consumer Price Index (INPC), which measures inflation, registered an increase of 7,41% in the last 12 months. This brings the value of the minimum wage to 1.302 reais – an increase of 90 reais. Before that, the estimated percentage was 6,7%.

How has the life of the insured changed after the adjustment of an INSS insured?

According to the Federal Constitution, any INSS benefit cannot be lower than the minimum wage, which is the basis of the body's payment base.

Retirees who earn 1.212 reais today will receive 1.302 reais in 2023 if the INPC of 7,4% is maintained. Next:

Value in 2022
Value in 2023*

R$ 2.000
R$ 2.148

R$ 3.000
R$ 3.222

R$ 4.000
R$ 4.296

R$ 5.000
R$ 5.371

R$ 7.000
R$ 7.519

*Despite the forecast, this month's numbers may change until the end of the year, which is when the minimum wage is officially announced.