Open vacancies at Sest Senat: register for free online - EZFICE

Open vacancies at Sest Senat: register for free online


Sest Senat has new vacancies in its divisions throughout Brazil. There are many positions with different prerequisites and training levels. Registration can be done online and is free. Interested in? See how to participate.

As these are positions in different areas, the levels and salaries required vary from case to case. Therefore, those interested in participating in the selection process for Sest Senat vacancies should carefully check all the details of the vacancy.


Sest Senat opens vacancies

The application deadline for the relevant vacancies for each position is different. Therefore, there are no general dates for participation in the process. Even so, those interested in running for one of these positions should consult the deadlines already defined by Sest Senat.

All vacancies can be found on the official website. These vacancies guarantee competitive salaries, in addition to benefits such as medical and dental assistance, as well as transportation vouchers and meal vouchers.

To guarantee registration, please note that you must be logged in to the Sest Senat website. Anyone who does not yet have a login and password must – first – register. Remember, registration is free.

The selection process for filling vacancies includes analysis of CVs, tests and interviews. Candidates must observe the execution time for each step.

See below information about available vacancies and their respective cities:

  • Professional Development Coordinator: Rio de Janeiro (RJ);
  • Junior Analyst III – Traffic for the Communication Area: Brasília (DF);
  • Lifeguard: Divinópolis (MG);
  • SENAT Instructor (IT and Management): Sorocaba (SP);
  • Lifeguard: São José do Rio Preto (SP);
  • Mobilization Agent: Londrina (PR);
  • Dentist (Specialty): Paulínia (SP);
  • Mobilization Agent: Guarujá (SP);
  • Dentist (Prosthesis): Curvelo (MG);
  • Mobilization Agent: Guarapuava (PR).